My research interests: migration and its effects on development, growth and inequality, migration policies and their impact on migration flows and immigrant's integration in host societies.
Peer-reviewed publications:
10. The Externalities of Immigration Policies on Migration Flows: The Case of an Asylum Policy (with Lucas Guichard), Journal of Economic Geography, accepted for publication, IZA Discussion Paper No. 16935.
9. The Within-Country Distribution of Brain Drain and Brain Gain Effects: A Case Study on Senegal (with Philippe Bocquier, Narcisse Cha'ngom, Frédéric Docquier), Journal of Demographic Economics, forthcoming, IZA Discussion Paper No. 16497.
8. Do potential migrants internalise migrant rights in OECD host societies? , (with Michel Beine and Ilse Ruyssen), Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume 53, Issue 4, November 2020, pages 1429-1456.
7. Taking the skill bias out of global migration, (with Costanza Biavaschi, Michal Burzynski and Benjamin Elsner), Journal of Development Economics, Volume 142, January 2020, Article 102317.
LISER Working Papers n°2018-11; Media coverage: IZA Newsroom
6. Globalizing labor and the world economy: the role of human capital, (with Marco Delogu and Frédéric Docquier), Journal of Economic Growth, Volume 23, Issue 2, June 2018, pages 223–258.
5. Remigration intentions and migrant's behaviour, (with Bastien Chabé-Ferret and Jackline Wahba), Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 68, January 2018, pages 56-72.
4. Dealing with undocumented immigrants: the welfare effects of amnesties and deportations, Journal of Demographic Economics, Volume 83, Issue 4, December 2017, pages 445-492.
3. Income, population and migration flows in the 21st century, (with Frédéric Docquier), Italian Economic Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, July 2017, pages 125–149 (invited lead article).
2. Global competition for attracting talents and the world economy, (with Frédéric Docquier), The World Economy (2016), Volume 39, Issue 4, April 2016, pages 530-542.
1. Efficiency gains from liberalizing labor mobility, (with Frédéric Docquier and Khalid Sekkat), The Scandinavian Journal of Economics (2015), Volume 117, Issue 2, April 2015, pages 303–346.
Working Papers/ Work in Progress:
2. Selective Migration and Economic Development: A Generalized Approach (with Narcisse Cha'ngom, Christoph Deuster, Frédéric Docquier), IZA Discussion Paper No. 16222; JRC Science for Policy Brief
P.2a - Digital transformation, demographic changes and labour markets Projected implications for 100 European regions (with Michal Burzynski and Ludivine Martin), H2020 Project UNTANGLED, Deliverable 6.2
P1a. Why do migrants stay unexpectedly? Misperceptions and implications for integration (with Marc Kaufmann and Bertrand Verheyden), IZA Discussion Paper No. 14155
P1b. Immigrant's Integration and Duration of Stay (with Michal Burzynski)
P1c. Does an Expansion of Mobility Rights Affect Migrants’ Return Intentions? (with Michel Tenikue and Bertrand Verheyden)
Current and past projects:
P1 - Migration duration and socio-cultural integration (CORE Integrimm - funded by Luxembourg National Research Fund; with Bertrand Verheyden (PI), Michal Burzynski and Michel Tenikue)
War in Ukraine:
4. Policy Brief: The Location of Asylum Seekers in Europe Before and After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine (with Lucas Guichard and Jean-François Maystadt), CESIfo Forum 23 (04), 21-27, July, 2022.
3. Policy Brief: Ukrainian Refugee Crisis Tests Luxembourg’s Humanitarian and Integration Policy (with Michel Beine, Frédéric Docquier, Birte Nienaber, and Adolfo Sommarribas), Research Luxembourg Research Note, June 30, 2022.
2. Policy Brief (French): Réfugiés ukrainiens : un besoin de coordination renforcé (with Lucas Guichard and Jean-François Maystadt), Regards Economique, Numéro 170 - avril 2022. Media coverage: TheConversation France; (flemish)
1. Policy Brief: The Ukrainian Exodus Calls for Better Coordination in the European Asylum Policy (with Lucas Guichard and Jean-François Maystadt), LISER Policy Brief 04, April 2022. Media coverage:
4. Paper: COVID-19 Crisis Management in Luxembourg: Insights from an Epidemionomic Approach (with Michal Burzynski, Frédéric Docquier, Michel Beine, Atte Aalto, Tom Haas et al.), Economics and Human Biology, July 2021.
3. Paper: How to make universal, voluntary testing for COVID-19 work? A behavioural economics perspective (with Francesco Fallucchi, Luise Görges, Arne Pieters and Marc Suhrcke), Health Policy, Volume 125, Issue 8, August 2021, Pages 972-980.
2. Policy Brief: How bad will the Covid-19 second wave be for Luxembourg’s economy? (with Michal Burzynski, Frédéric Docquier, Ferdy Adam and Tom Haas), LISER Research Program Crossing Borders Policy Brief, 9, November 2020.
1. Working Note: Economic effects of Covid-19 in Luxembourg: First RECOV id working note with preliminary estimates. (with Michel Beine, Simone Bertoli, Shuai Chen, Conchita D’Ambrosio, Frédéric Docquier, Arnaud Dupuy, Alessio Fusco, Silvia Girardi, Tom Haas, Nizamul Islam, Christos Koulovatianos, Kristelle Leduc, Nathalie Lorenz, Eugenio Peluso, Chiara Peroni, Pierre Picard, Patrice Pieretti,Hillel Rapoport, Francesco Sarracino, Denisa Sologon, Konstantinos Tatsiramos, Michel Tenikue, Alexandros Theloudis, Philippe Van Kerm, Bertrand Verheyden, Vincent Vergnat)
Book chapters:
- O impacto económico potencial das diásporas, em I. Vidigal e R. P. Pires (orgs.) (2024), Potencial Económico da Diáspora, Lisboa, Observatorio da Emigração, CIES-Iscte, pp: 3-16. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024_ (portuguese)
- Déconstruire l’idée : « Les étrangers viennent uniquement pour profiter de notre système d’aide sociale ». In: Le Forum - Bruxelles contre les inégalités (Eds.) Pauvrophobie - Petite encyclopédie des idées reçues sur la pauvreté. Les Éditions Luc Pire, 2018, pp. 77-79.
- Remittances and migration prospects for the 21st century. (with Frédéric Docquier) In: M. Boussichas and P. Guillaumont, Financing sustainable Development, Economica (2015). FERDI Working paper P133(2015)
Other publications on migration (soft-refereeing/invited contributions/reports):
- Evaluation du CAI: caractéristiques des participants et faisabilité d’une analyse d’impact, Report for Luxembourg's Ministry of Family and Integration, 2023. (with Andrea Albanese, Michel Tenikue and Bertrand Verheyden)
- Analyse des choix de localisation des immigrés au Luxembourg, Report for Luxembourg's Ministry of Family and Integration, PAN2020 Project. (with Andrea Albanese and Frédéric Docquier)
- Migrants’ Social Rights: Evaluating a new approach to collect institutional data for comparative research, Deliverable 10.2. Leuven, InGRID-2 project 730998–H2020 (with Nicaise, Ides; Nieuwenhuis, Rense ; Nelson, Kenneth ; Bircan, Tuba ; Eneroth, Mari ; Metzing, Maria ; Schupp, Jürgen)
- The Impact of Intention to Leave on Immigrants’ Behaviour, Ifo DICE Report 15 (3), 2017, 16–19 (with Bastien Chabé-Ferret)
- Quels gains peut-on espérer d'une libéralisation de la migration? Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique (2016; invited contribution), 2016/3 (Tome LV), pages 45-58.
- Crise des réfugiés: quelques clarifications s'imposent !, Regards Economiques n°119, Octobre 2015 (with Frédéric Docquier)
- Revenu, population et flux migratiores au 21éme siécle - un défi sociétal pour l'Europe, STUDIA OECONOMICA POSNANIENSIA, Vol.2, no 12/2014 (with Frédéric Docquier)
Old versions of papers:
3. The Gain from the Drain (with Constanza Biavaschi, Michal Burzynski and Benjamin Elsner), IZA Discussion Paper 10275; Media coverage: IZA Newsroom (updated version published in JDE)
2. The dynamic implications of liberalizing global migration, (wih Marco Delogu and Frédéric Docquier), IRES Discussion Paper 2013-029; FERDI Working Paper P88 (updated version published in JOEG)
1. On the welfare impacts of an immigration amnesty, IRES Discussion Paper 2012-010 (updated version of the model published in JODE)
Media coverage:
- Firwat ass d'Migratioun esou wichteg fir d'Letzebuerger Economie, Radio 100,7 (28/10/2024)
- Europe’s unprecedented response to Ukrainian refugees faces new challenges, Vox (16/12/2022)
- Unemployment 5 months into the pandemic, Delano (31/08/2020)
- Les immigrants hautement qualifiés, un enjeu vital pour notre économie, Lëtzebuerger Gemengen (27/06/2019)
- Le Luxembourg dans la course aux talents – un défi qui n’en est pas un ?, Forum, Numéro 392 (February 2019)
- Emploi : l’attractivité du Luxembourg est-elle à remettre en cause ?, article sur le Café PSP-Débat que j'ai co-organisé, Le Quoitidien (04/10/2018)
- Chercheurs à l’école: Inspiring the next generation ofscientists, FNR Highlights (March 2018)
- La mobilité des cerveaux: envergure et impact économique, d’Lëtzebuerger Land p.13 (13/10/2017)
- The expat of the future, Delano Magazine, (10/10/2017)
- Waarom migratie (meestal) goed is voor de economie, Knack (31/03/2017)
- Interview in "Faire société ensemble" n°5, décembre 2016.
‐ La migration professionnelle internationale et ses répercussions sur l'économie, (17/07/2016)
- Migration beeinflusst Wirtschaft, Luxemburger Wort (10/06/2016)
My co-authors:
Some of my co-authors share interesting material and/or datasets (click on the name to access their homepage):
Costanza Biavaschi, Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Michel Beine, Professor, University of Luxembourg, CREA
Michal Burzynski, Researcher, LISER
Bastien Chabé-Ferret, Lecturer, Middlesex University London
Marco Delogu , Post-Doctoral Researcher, Università degli Studi di Sassari
Frédéric Docquier, Research Program Leader (on Crossing Borders) , LISER
Benjamin Elsner, Assistant Professor, University College Dublin
Marc Kaufmann, Assistant Professor, Central European University
Tobias Müller, Associate Professor, Université de Genève
Ilse Ruyssen, Assistant Professor, Ghent University
Khalid Sekkat, Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Michel Tenikue, Researcher, LISER
Bertrand Verheyden, Researcher, LISER
Jackline Wahba, Professor, University of Southampton